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MTX injections

I was diagnosed with RA last week and just picked up my injectable MTX. Trying to decide on AM or PM and day of the week for the shots. (Already dealing with RA fatigue and prednisone insomnia.) Any suggestions or personal experiences you want to share?

  1. Hi, and welcome! While I wish you didn't have need of a community like this one, I am glad you found us. And, if you're looking for information from people with experience using Methotrexate, you have come to the right place! I don't want to overwhelm you with information and I do hope other community members chime in here with some tips and suggestions for you. But, this article has some great tips for self injecting Methotrexate (and definitely check out the many member comments at the end of the article for more tips) -- You'll find plenty of ideas to consider.

    I wanted to share some "what to expect" info with Methotrexate, but sometimes, I suggest checking this information AFTER you start the medication and IF you start experiencing any weird symptoms. Because, to be honest, many meds to treat RA can have a pretty daunting list of potential side effects and it can cause unnecessary worry when you are trying to find the best option for you. That said, you are always welcome to do any amount of research at any time --

    Also, if you type 'Methotrexate' into our search box (the magnifying glass on the upper lefthand side of the page), you will find lots more information.

    I hope this helps and please don't hesitate to post if you have more questions or concerns or are just wanting some support and reassurance. Being newly diagnosed can be overwhelming and almost every person on this site has been there at one time and can relate.

    You're not alone in this!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. , prednisone caused insomnia for me too. I let my rheumatologist know and was switched to methylprednisolone. It significantly lessened the insomnia.

      1. For me, I take all my injections right before bed so that if I don't feel great or something isn't exactly right, I can just try to sleep through it. Usually by the morning any acute side effects have dissipated, so it seems to work well. I know sometimes you don't have that option as the doctor gives the shot, but you can try to schedule your appointment towards the end of the day! Hope that helps! Keep on keepin' on, DPM

        1. Hi, and thanks for stopping by here to share. I hope you're doing well despite everything going on. I've been on MTX injections since 2015 and for me it was trial/error to find the time that worked for me. You may need to try AM one week, and PM another to see how your own body feels. Another important thing is to take it on a day that you know you will be able to rest, lay low and not do much. Get cute bandaids, I recommend Welly's (they are super cute with different themes... I am using the space, and unicorn one and it doesn't hurt that they are durable). Also, do something to treat yourself after if you can i.e. watch your favorite show, read a book. order take out. Because let's face it, injecting is tough business and we deserve to feel good after. Personally, I find injecting in the late afternoon/evening best because then I sleep it off. But I also make sure to drink a lot of water before and after my injection as it helps to not have the groggy feeling the next morning. Sometimes the earlier the better but remember if you do it in the AM and you have things to do, the MTX may make you tired. Weirdly enough, I have a ton of energy after I take it and then I get really tired. Hope it helps! -Effie, team member

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