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Mysterious symptoms doctors do not know what this is

Hello everyone, I'm in a big problem, I have some mysterious neurological symptoms, and the neurologists in Serbia won't examine me because my MRI is clean and they think that if I don't have lesions, I'm not sick.

My symptoms started at the end of September 2023 when I went on the Keto diet and lost a lot of weight. I was throwing up like crazy and had signs of dehydration in the form of thick white saliva, nausea and dry lips. I didn't go out for probably a month or two because I was so weak from hunger. But when I stopped dieting and throwing up I went outside but my legs were like wood. The feeling in the lower legs of my legs was like they were made of wood. I could not control my legs at all, they stood as straight as wooden and stiff. When I tried to climb the step I FELL. My legs were so weak, I had no control over them as if they were made of metal and I could not cross the threshold.

The worst feeling I had was in my knees, which were as if they were filled with cement, and I couldn't straighten them at all. I couldn't get out of bed because my knees were so stiff, to get into the bath. The worst feeling was after bathing in hot water, then I wouldn't feel my lower legs at all.

My knees are cemented, stiff. After 10 days of that, I went outside again, but when I came home, my joints and the entire left foot were swollen. That swelling was visible to the naked eye, my left leg was twice as thick. Then the terrible stabbing radiating pain in the big toe and all the toes started. The bridge of the foot, between the 3rd and 4th toes, there was some blistering pain that I could not lean on the foot. I felt like someone was hitting my foot with a hammer. The front of my foot and the roots of my toes are stiff and numb, I can't move my toes at all. Numbness and pain at the roots of the fingers. Pain in contact with material and fabric. It has been going on since October until now. Tightness around malice as if I have a grip. Stiff heavy leg joints.

It's like I have a band that tightens around the middle of my foot. I feel stiffness in my feet and toes, when I try to move my toes and when I bend them, at first I couldn't, now I can, but I feel stiffness in my feet and toes, when I try to move my toes and when I bend them, at first I couldn't, now I can but I feel stiffness in my feet and numbness
Changed feeling in the shins, as if they are numb and I can't feel them but not the needles. Does anyone recognize these symptoms and how does this sound to you?

Please help me, I'm desperate

  1. First, I’m sorry you’re suffering so much. Second, my neurologist just diagnosed me with a rare thyroid issue called Hoffman Syndrome. Your symptoms sound very much like what I’ve been reading about. Good news, is the is a reversible condition in most cases. Do some research and discuss with your neurologist or endocrinologist. While researching, there is another Hoffman disease that is fatal. It starts with another name first then Hoffman. It’s not that one. I hope you get relief and answers quickly.

    1. Thank you so much ❤❤

    2. I have rheumatoid arthritis but mine is what they call "seronegative," which means that I don't positive for the RF factor or anything like that, so that in and of itself isn't a 100% determining factor. Throwing up and dehydration, though, are generally not symptoms usually associated with RA, nor is the inability to move your legs at all. RA is more like you can move mut it's stiff and it hurts, so that part does track. That's why you'll need to see if you can find another doctor who knows rheumatoid arthritis who can give their expert opinion. Maybe if you can't go to one you can find one willing to do an exam on video call over the phone? Keep on keepin' on, DPM

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