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What can be taken with Methotrexate for pain? I will be taking my 2nd weekly dose tomorrow.

  1. Sorry you are hurting! You may try calling your pharmacist or doctor to double check what is okay to take with MTX and any other meds you are on. As a general observation, I haven’t heard of pain meds being contraindicated with MTX. It may also depend on how your kidney and liver lab tests have been lately. For instance, some meds have raised my liver enzymes. When that happens I have to avoid any meds with acetaminophen in them. Hoping for less pain for you soon, Jo

    1. Hi, ! I can't offer better input than Jo, but please know I hope you get some relief from the pain very soon!

      Best, Erin, Team Member.

    2. Hi @RA Sam. Can you see your response now? Our system misidentified your post as spam, but I recovered it. That was so good advice. Welcome to the community and thanks for being so supportive. Are you in the medical field or have you gained your knowledge through years of RA experience and research? Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

  2. Hi . The only thing I can add is that if you feel your RA is not well controlled to speak with your rheumatologist about whether your treatment regimen should be adjusted or changed. In this article our contributor Kelly looks at when you should change medications: Wishing you the best. Richard ( Team)

    1. Hello!
      If you have "My Chart" or "The Patient Portal" you can message your rheumatologist. I often get a very quick response this way. Everyone is different, with a different medication list and different lab results
      You deserve an answer that is customized just for you. ❤️

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