Emotional support is critical to managing RA. Sometimes that comes from our pets! Below, share a picture of your pet that is helping you manage RA just a little bit easier because of their support!
ezlyamused Member
This is Mr. Flitten; a little self-involved, but very supportive! ♥
christine.laaksonen Community Admin
Mr. Flitten is adorable! He looks a little mischievous, but also very supportive. Thanks so much for sharing him (and the photo) with us! -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)
Richard Faust Community Admin
Wow , that is a great photo. Our 16 year old calico is asleep next to me right now. I thought you might appreciate this article from my wife, Kelly Mack ( a contributor here who was diagnosed at age two, 45 years ago), on the Tao of kitty or things she learned from them over time: https://rheumatoidarthritis.net/living/the-tao-of-kitty. Best, Richard (Team Member)
cupcake Member
Debbie Philip Community Admin
They are adorable! What are all their names?
Debbie - Team Member
Erin Rush Community Admin
, oh, goodness! That's some serious cuteness there. Thank you for sharing!
Best, Erin, Team Member.
JDNC23 Member
On the left is Sadie, my sister's baby, and my baby, Sedona, on the right. They are what keeps me going!
Erin Rush Community Admin
, oh my goodness! Those two are SO cute! Do you mind me asking what breed they are?
Those little faces are absolutely the sweetest!
Best, Erin, Team Member.
JDNC23 Member
Erin, they are both Toy poodles. Here's my niece's baby, Theo. He's a Pomeranian/Schnauzer.