Hi there. This looks like an active forum and a great source of information and support.
I've been experiencing issues for around two years now and am now finally on a journey to discovering the root cause. My issues have been... Flare ups of terrible pain in my hands/feet joints (particularly when resting or sleeping and afterwards), fatigue (especially on activity), trouble with breathlessness, brain fog/memory issues, palpatations and back/chest/body pains. Basically I'm 38 but feel like an old man despite being previously very fit and healthy.
After many blood tests (Inc anti-ccp, ESR and RF etc) all that ever shows up is a high ferretin level (circa 800) and high eosinophils (2-3x normal levels). Because of this I've been tested for haemochromatosis and I have a single copy of c282y mutation which the gastroenterologist said rules this out and has sent me in the direction of the rheumatologist for possible autoimmune problem.
Since then I've invested some time researching into RA whilst awaiting my appointment. Looking on here it seems like a possible cause of my issues but one thing I do notice is that the joints on the ends of my fingers are quite sore which from what I've read points away from RA... Has anybody here experienced this?
Another thing worth mentioning is that my nan has some terrible warping of her fingers and toes where they all cross over each other... After looking around a bit this sounds like RA but I'm not certain.
I'm not sure my problem is going to be RA related or something else but I'm really getting to the stage where I need some answers as I'm exhausted, fed up and in pain every day and can't continue like this forever. I just want to be able to be active and play with my kids again.
I know this is not a place for diagnosis etc but any thoughts or advice very much appreciated.
Take care,