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RA Pain Relief Alergic to Most Stuff

Hi guys I am writing this on behalf of my Mum who is 79 and has had RA for over 10 years

We are in the UK and it is slowly getting more unbearable for her in regards pain, she cannot take any anti inflammatory medication or any strong pain killers all she takes for RA pain is paracetomol

She is on methotrexate once a week injection and steroids every day but once the flare ups come it is horrible to see her in this much pain

She is such a positive person and inspiration to all our family but reading some of the many people on here might also have similar allergic reactions and just wondered what alternatives are out there that potentially could work

All help and feedback much appreciated


  1. Hi . So sorry to hear your mom is struggling. As the husband of someone with RA (my wife, Kelly Mack, is a contributor here), it is always great to hear about supportive family members. You mention that your mother cannot take anti-inflammatory medications. Has she ever tried biologic medications or JAK inhibitor medications? My understanding is that in the U.K. patients have to do step therapy with drugs like methotrexate before these other medications. That said, if the methotrexate is not controlling the RA, maybe she will be eligible for a biologic or JAK inhibitor. This article from our editorial team gives an overview of prescription medications for RA: Wishing you and your mother the best and please feel free to keep us updated on how things are going. Richard ( Team)

    1. Hi Richard
      Thanks for that we have a meeting next week with her RA consultant so will talk to her about any new medications which this look like it is in the UK
      I will keep you guys informed, appreciate all help

      1. I think its best if you consider seeing a pain specialist, which here in America sometimes are also anesthesiologist. Pain meds are not the only tool in their toolbox and although I'd love to help more, it's not for me to dole out medical knowledge except to say that I know from experience that there are non-opioid options as well. I'm not sure exactly how it works in the UK, but I do know that paracetomol, which is basically Tylenol if I recall correctly, does almost nothing for me when I'm in pain. Please, let he know she's not alone and that there are others here who understand! Let us know how it goes, keep on keepin' on, DPM

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