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Why can't my rheumatologist do anything for my fibromyalagia?

Why can't my Rheumatologist do anything for my RA and Fibromyalgia?

I have RA sero neg. & fibromyalgia. My rheumatologist said there is nothing he can do for me. Why is that the case?

  1. Could be you need to see another doc. With the same diagnoses I've been on low dose prednisone & hydroxychloroquine for years and they make quite a difference for me.

    1. Hi Patty. Sorry to hear you are having these difficulties. Unfortunately, RA and fibromyalgia are often comorbid conditions. They are both autoimmune conditions and share some symptoms (such as pain, fatigue, cognitive issues, among others). This article from our editorial team looks at fibromyalgia and RA: Some of the treatments also crossover, as witnessed by commercials for certain biologics that are used to treat both conditions. Only a doctor, familiar with your particular case can work with you on a treatment plan. If you currently feel your concerns are not being heard you are always entitled to a second opinion. No one will look out for you like you. Please know that this community is here for you for support and information. Best, Richard ( Team)

      1. I agree with both Richard and Sneed. The Arthritis Foundation has a Resource Finder that generates rheumatologists in your zip code. I believe they also show what insurances they take. Another option is, if you have insurance, to use their website to look up rheumatologists in your network.

        All the best! Please reach out if you need any support.
        ~Monica ( Team)

        1. I am surprised to hear that. Sounds like you need another Rheumy. Mine would never tell me that and I know for a fact he treats many patients that have both. There IS something that can help you, switch docs. 😀

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