, I am so sorry you are dealing with this pain! Did your rheumatologist have any other suggestions, besides the steroid shot? I know an MRI and Xray can be pretty conclusive, but you can always ask for more testing, like bloodwork, if you feel that something is being overlooked. You can also ask for a referral to an orthopedist if you want another opinion as to what may be causing this pain. Do you deal with other conditions like Osteoarthritis or Osteoporosis? I assume any joint or bone damage would have shown up I your scans, but I am just wanting to make sure I cover all the bases, so to speak.
I know a number of our community members deal with pain, including hip and bone pain. I wanted to share a couple of pieces on the topic with you. Here's one -- https://rheumatoidarthritis.net/living/would-like-something-with-that-maam. And here's a conversation from our forums on the topic of hip and back pain -- https://rheumatoidarthritis.net/forums/back-hip-pain-with-ra. RA can definitely cause this type of pain, but it's also a good idea to rule out other conditions that may be the culprit.
And, if the steroids didn't help, I would definitely let your doctor know, if you haven't done so already.
I hope you get some relief very soon!
Best, Erin, RheumatoidArthritis.net Team member.