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Side effects

Is anyone on methotrexate and or Humira experiencing horrible charlie horses and muscle spasms? Not sure if this is a side effect or not...?!?

  1. I was on both and it flared symptoms I hadn't had in 30 years also tried several others to no avail

    1. I have had muscle spasms and leg cramps in my legs due to side effects of medicines many times. The latest one that caused it was my Lipitor which I take from the heart attack I got after shoulder replacement. After thirty years of RA I am not surprised any more when side effects happens, it's almost a given. If you think that your meds are causing this cramping and spasming then I'd talk to your physician as soon as you can and see if they have heard of these type of side effects specifically. For me, I had to lower my dose and drink much more water and that seemed to help. Keep no keepin' on, DPM

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