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Some days you just feel like crying

My wrist just suddenly start aching, my feet, my elbows - not sure if nerves, bones, or what! So my feet hurt and I need to use a cane cuz it's my feet and my legs but then my wrist hurts so how am I supposed to use a cane? Such a catch-22 . It's so difficult to explain. I have aches and pains and people just don't seem to understand.

My boss wrote to me yesterday and said "are you feeling better"; and I wrote back "to be honest no I'm not, no really I am not." The funny thing is it was no follow-up question or response I don't even know what she could have said.

I know one thing. Working 10 and a half hour days with 20 or 25 minutes drive to and drive back is not a way to get 4 days of work in and off on a Friday. You just end up doing nothing cuz you're so exhausted. And I deal in customer service so you have to keep smiling and laughing and positive some days.

It's all I can do but not cry all day but I can't until I get home or in my car.

Wishing you a good today and a better tomorrow

  1. Thanks for sharing. I am sorry you're flaring right now and having to push yourselves. Sometimes, it takes everything we have not to curl up in a ball and cry. Please know we are here to support you. Wishing you well, Monica (team member)

    1. Hi . As soon as I saw your comment about smoke and mirrors I couldn't help but think of this article from our contributor Tamara on Faking It ( - sometimes those with RA are faking it, just not in the way most people think. Sometimes one just has to appear o.k. I thought you might relate. Best, Richard ( Team)

    2. thank you for sharing that Richard. Very good article. Very factual. And abundantly clear that a lot of people have a lot of suggestions that have no idea what we are going to those of us with RA. I do my best but sometimes we say we just have to deal with it. Which on occasion makes difficult. I'm in the process of putting my home up for sale because I can no longer hey fix or even afford to have things done around the house is too expensive. So I am sad to have to sell my home it's a must. Thanks again. Wishing you a Good today and a better tomorrow

  2. Is there any chance you can work remotely? That might be a huge help.

    1. if only. Unfortunately my job doesn't allow for that. Thanks for the response.

  3. Hello I too suffer some days really bad I understand how you feel. I often complain more than my family likes. I try not to I understand it could really be off putting. So I wanna say ouch when it hurts. There are things I can do to take care of myself. I have a list like hot bath, ice areas that hurt, diclofenac (volteran) doctor can prescribe it, meditation, stretching, swimming. So those are practical things I do to help. Also the mornings are super rough for me to move so I wake up take my meds lay back down for an hour and then they kick in. I do cry it helps too so do it if you can. I do ride a recumbent bike now at the gym to help my lower body. I can't use my arms much so I focus where I can. I hope this helps you too. Finally music I love music it takes my mind off what I am doing and thinking.

    1. thank for responding. Actually I do use music I use Pandora play some smooth or light piano music that's very soothing. But again there are just days where you just don't feel up to it getting up in the morning getting ready for work getting to work having people in customer service calls responds rudely or crudely including some of your coworkers. I just deal with it and sometimes that means crying just to have that release. Thank you again. Wishing you and yours a good today and a better tomorrow

    2. thank for responding. I do have that Diclofenac I use ice I use Heat a soothing bath do use music light piano music that's very soothing. But again there are just days where you just don't feel up to it getting up in the morning getting ready for work getting to work having people in customer service calls responds rudely or crudely including some of your coworkers. I just deal with it and sometimes that means crying just to have that release. Thank you again. Wishing you a good today and a better tomorrow


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