Okay this is a bit lengthy topic but I will try to shorten it what I can. I need input on next the move for me. I have a Rheumatologist who is also part of a university research hospital. I have started seeing her PA, who is awesome. After my last visit and much blood testing I was shown to have a positive ANA and positive ANA titer with homogenous cells. They went further to test the lupus antibodies which those specific for SLE were normal. I have been on Humira for two years along with Sulfasalazine. The Humira was a game changer and helped so much but now I've been having a lot more flare activity, rashes, joint swelling, fatigue, etc. The PA told me that I am experiencing TNF induced lupus and immediately wanted me to stop the Humira. In the meantime I'm still taking the Sulfasalazine and she prescribed a low dose prednisone. She states that some patients experience this with this type of biologic. This hospital is doing a trial for this very issue and they want me to participate and monitor the results of going from a TNF inhibitor to a JAK inhibitor. She said they will be changing my medication anyway and this would monitor me more closely. I've not been on a lot of different medications I started on plaquenil, after I was on leflunomide, methotrexate, Sulfasalazine, and finally Humira. All but the last two were stopped for the side effects especially the methotrexate. The medicine they want to change me to is a JAK inhibitor. My question is which JAK is most promising in your experiences taking them. I'm so frustrated rn with the prednisone bc I'm gaining weight and swelling even at a low dose because I also have a pain doctor that has been injecting steroid and pain medications every three to six months bc I also have spinal disc degeneration (two past fusions)and osteoarthritis. He wants me to limit my steroid use due to the effects taking too much can impact your health. I'm exhausted physically and mentally and now worried about the pain and stiffness after stopping the Humira so suddenly. I'm still trying to work during all of this and my job on my feet all the time is taxing on my body. Any offers of advice is appreciated.