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Last Updated:
I’m osteopenic so adding weight lifting to my exercise of swimming since swimming has zero weight bearing. However using dumbbells is NOT working for my RA hands. Has anyone tried a weighted vest? I know you can get them so they can have incremental weight that can be added slowly. Most come with 1 lb weight to start and more can be added. TIA
Erin Rush Community Admin
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I think it's great that you are doing what you can to stay physically active and to protect/improve your bone density. My mom was diagnosed with Osteopenia and I know it was a wake up call for her. I know you are specifically asking about weighted vests, but for her, she found yoga and pilates to be helpful for building muscle and bone strength. She never cared for lifting weights. Would exercise bands be an option for you? They still make be a challenge, if your grip strength is low.
I couldn't find any other mentions in this community on weighted vests, but I do hope some of our members that may have tried vests see your post and comment here. It may be an option, but I can't offer any personal insight for you.
I did find one contributor story on PT and weights that you might find interesting, even though it's not quite what you're looking for -- I also found this article on another site that I thought had a few helpful tips -- Again, I know I'm not really offering much help in regards to the vest, but I hope this information is useful anyway!
Good luck and keep doing what you can to stay healthy and active!
Best, Erin, Team Member.
latoya.juniel Community Admin
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Jo Johnson Member
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I do believe in trying to find a PT you can have a long term relationship with! I went to the same PT off and on for 12 years. When I needed to go back for a “tune up” or a new problem it was great to not start from square one. She even helped me finally get properly diagnosed. I’ve moved across the country and am still looking for a good long term PT match. Jo
CeePS101 Member
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I found foam wraps that can be put around my barbells and am going to try those too. I have no issues with the weight itself, it’s trying to grip them with my darned hands. Ouch! Thanks also for the info on ankle and arm weights. Might look into.
So far I have yet to find a good PT or trainer, going to ask my sports medicine doctor and my back doctor for ideas outside of the practice group I already saw which were terrible. I think they’re all used to just rehabbing people from hip and knee replacements or dealing with older folks coming in with walkers, but they were so wimpy on what they were having me do, so will see. Thanks
Richard Faust Community Admin
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Also, when Kelly joined a new local gym for winter access to their pool, she got a few free training sessions. She was lucky enough to meet a trainer with experience working with people with disabilities (including Paralympians). He has her doing a lot of work with resistance bands, gradually working up with the amount of resistance and holding exercises for more time. He refers to what he calls "circling the body," particularly the core because it supports all movement. The gym even made a video they are going to use for promotional purposes because of Kelly's progress. Of course, each person is different and it is important to speak to someone about your particular needs. I completely understand your difficulty finding a good PT or trainer. I don't know how many PT offices or gyms are in your area, but it might be helpful to ask directly about working with people with disabilities. Hope some of this information can be helpful. Best, Richard (Team Member)