I was told I had osteoarthritis because when I injured my toes They ended up deformed. I drove to the hospital last year because I had pain on my chest wall. It was pleurisy. That took about a week for it to go away. The last couple of days we had family over so I was drinking a lot. Normally I eat very well I work out I don’t drink. Then I noticed on the second day there was a red rash on my left hand. The next day it bloomed. I was in so much pain. I decided to try to ice it and take a bunch of anti-inflammatory natural stuff. The next day the pain was almost gone but the swelling is still here. I am beyond frustrated as I really don’t understand what is happening. I was tested for RA and it shows nothing. I’m assuming the drinking triggered whatever this is. What can I do to get this to go down. And does ice really work for this kind of stuff. I originally thought it was a bite but I wrote the denial train and I think I need to get off on this one and deal with it.