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How do you manage the tough days?

  1. On the tough days, the best thing to do is focus on yourself. I always have my go-to list of easy things I can do that make me feel better. Giving myself a little self care on tough days does help. It’s not a quick fix, but it helps me feel a bit more like myself. In addition, I make sure to reach out to someone in my support system to let them know I’m having a tough time and might need help with tasks that are too physically demanding for me at the time.

    1. Yes! Love this, trebleinthekchn! Self-care is SO important. I actually found an article that I thought you may connect with on the importance of taking care of ourselves, I'm so glad to hear you have such a strong support system that you can go to when you need a little extra help. That is great! Thank you for sharing so much of your journey with us, we're so grateful to have you in our community! -Casey, Team

  2. Self care is definitely my go to on a really bad day. It’s not as crime to stop the merrry go round and simply be good to yourself, regardless of what that looks like. It can be as simple as snuggling into a favorite heated blanket or wrap for the day with a favorite essential oil in a diffuser, cuddled up to a favorite pet. No guilt - just an affirmation that yes, I have every right to take a break. Other things I have done are call a girlfriend of mine who is a hairdresser and gives the absolute best shampoo and head massage I’ve ever had. I can literally call her when I have a hideous headache and she can usually bring it down several notches. I occasionally get very bad pain in my feet and ankles and again, I call a friend who does my pedicures and tell her what’s going on. She usually has me come in as her last customer of the day and she can take me from a point where I can’t stand to be touched to feeling good enough that I can go home and get some good sleep. I also believe reaching out to an understanding friend or loved one just to say, I’m having a bad day, I’m going to shut it down and take care of me today. In my case that person is my husband, I put my phone on do not disturb after I hang up and I ignore the world for the day. I usually text him later to let him know all is well but I feel better letting him know I’m not doing so hot.

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