Brief Update

I am doing good, hip is good as long as I don't move it the wrong way.

About a week ago I was in the kitchen grooving to the music playing.

Not long before I said time to go dancing until I moved the wrong way, and did a slight pivot on my new hip.

That sure didn't go over very well. Pain, here you come.

I guess that's why they say it takes up to a year for a full recovery.

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Getting used to infusions

On another note, I have now done 13 infusions and it is now into a routine.

I haven't heard from my rheumatologist regarding the new biologic/biosimilar he was arranging for me.

So, I sent an email and finally received mail with a new bloodwork requisition. And an appointment date in August, either in person or video. I kind of understand as my IgG level is taking its time to build up.

Muscle changes

I have noticed over the last while that my muscles are getting weaker and achy.

I went to my GP Dr. and wondered if it was the Ezetrol.

He had me go for bloodwork to see if my muscle count was elevated more and it is.

So, off the Ezetrol for 4 weeks, then bloodwork again. There seem to be small issues that come up that have to be dealt with.

We do learn how our bodies feel and if something goes out of whack, we know it. That's the way it is for me anyway.

That's all for now.

Blessings and Prayers,


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