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Actemra and Orencia

I was on Sulfasalazine for my RA for years before it stopped working on me. I was then given Methotrexate which in no time caused me high liver enzymes. I ended up seeing a liver specialist for 3 years. My RA doctor then decided to put me on Orencia in 2020. I had been doing pretty well until a few months ago when I developed bad pain in my hands, specifically in the Metacarpal bones. I am waiting for my hand MRI now. My new RA doctor (I have just relocated to the Bay Area) suggested I consider Actemra since I have been on Orencia for 4 years and it may not be as effective. I did a quick search in our RA community and saw only a few posts on Actemra a couple of years ago. I wonder if anyone has used Orencia and later switched to Actemra. If so, how do they find their RA improvement with Actemra. Do they have good experience with it?

I am also thinking that I may just get a steroid shot for the pain in my metacarpal bones. I can only wish the shots could stop my pain. If so, I may not need to take a stronger medication since they all have serious side effects.
I look forward to hearing some insights. Thank you!

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