Anyone have any advice on how to muster up energy - mentally, emotionally and physically during a severe bout of fatigue?
I recently had my first infusion of a new biological (actemra) and boy I’ve NEVER felt this exhausted. I mean - barely can make it through a 30min tv show without wanting to sleep. Exercising my puppy consists of me sitting in the hallway of our apartment while she runs back and forth down the hallways bc I’m struggling to find the strength. As a person who is finds exercise to be a HUGE help - I’m really struggling right now. The idea of my typical 30-40 min exercise (which is often the highlight of my day) now feel SO OVERWHELMING near impossible.
But I know I have to move bc the stiffness is growing. Looking on tips on how to battling this fatigue. Where do I start? How do I motivate my mind to get my body going?
Thank you!