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Meningioma Tumor with RA

I was recently diagnosed with a Meningioma tumor. I was wondering if anyone else who has RA was also diagnosed with Meningioma? And if so how was your experience.

  1. I am so sorry this has happened. I hope the treatment will work out and you can overcome this soon.

    I have never heard of any connection. However, I did a google scholar search and found this article. I have no other information. Do keep us apprised I am certain many embers will want to hear how things are going.

    1. thank you!

  2. Not meningioma but lymphoma myself. The docs do think it is RA related, they just aren't sure exactly how. RA puts the body under such stress at all times it's difficult to say something is or isn't related but in my own personal thirty years of experience it always ends up, for me, somehow connected. Let us know how it goes and remember, you're not alone! Keep on keepin' on, DPM

    1. Thank you!

      1. Reading, “meningioma” always takes me back…my beautiful and tiny childhood sweetheart and wife of 22 years, started getting headaches in Sept, 1998. By 1 Dec, I met her at the ER…they found a tumor.
        I got a call from the insurance company - a personal dedicated employee - got a direct dial number.
        My was was admitted…she told me that our personal physician said, like they told us in the ER, “it’s a benign meningioma…been there for years. Nothing to worry about. He spent hours in her room getting her into the world’s leading brain cancer hospital.
        11:30 that night, the chief of neurosurgery, of another hospital, came to her room…he co formed it was a benign meningioma…he wanted her to go to his hospital…what? Why? 11:30 at night…sorry but she is going to Hospital M.
        We got her checked into Hospital M. Two days of testing. Her doctor was the head of neurosurgery in the #1 hospital in the world. They confirmed it was a benign meningioma. Friday he said…”Been there for years…no sense hurrying surgery. Let’s schedule surgery for next Thursday. Why don’t y’all spend the week together…”
        We did.
        Surgery Thursday.
        She died Saturday (11 days since diagnosis)
        Sunday, our personal physician came over and told me the tumor was a hermangiopericytoma…extremely aggressive tumor..”her death was an act of mercy…”
        He also told me that the radiologist called that tumor on day 1. But everyone lied until she died.
        Lesson: listen carefully to their wording. Check things.
        Not specifically to do w RA but to do with encounters w the medical on which we rely.

        1. Thank y’all for your comments. You are right - you never, actually, get over it. We started dating at 15…9th grade dance was first date. Much of your heart heals but you value the scars. Sometimes those sudden tears are a valued connection. I have learned to be kind to those who cross that bridge.
          But please do note how everyone- all of the doctors, even from different institutions, lied to us. I always thank God we actually spent that week together. I was supposed to return to Brazil to finish a contract.
          But we have to be careful what the medical community tells us - sorry to say.

        2. , your love story sounds like a beautiful one! And, yes, I didn't mean to gloss over the extreme issues you faced from the medical community during that harrowing time in December. While many medical personnel truly want to help and heal, there are some who, for whatever reason, don't treat their jobs and responsibility with the integrity and honesty that they should.

          Best, Erin, Team Member.

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