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What are peoples experiences with methotrexate but as an injection?

Am 54 and have had RA for 15 years.Been on various medications over the years one of them being methotrexate.Could not stay on it as was too tired to function.Tried other stuff since but my bad flare ups keep coming.My rheumatologist has taken me off all my medication and I am now having methotrexate injections.Into my tenth week now.Just wondered how other people have got on with them?

  1. Hi . I can't personally speak to this issue, but I know that some members of the community have noted they had fewer gastrointestinal issues with the injections, as opposed to the pills. One of these is our contributor . She also wrote this article on dealing with the actual injections: How have you been doing on the injection? Hopefully others will chime in with their experiences. Best, Richard (Team Member)

    1. Hello i struggled with methotrexate tablets causing nausea, switched to injections 3 years ago and tolerate them really well. I also inject benepali which stings a lot

      1. I have been through pretty much all the meds that exist for RA and methotrexate injections was one of them. They are certainly a little bit different then the pills but, in my own experience, if you experienced side effects with pills then it is a 50/50 you will also with injections. I know, that's probably not what you wanted to hear but it is still worth a shot - no pun intended. Usually, these days, I hear of people taking the MTX shots in conjunction with a biologic as well or a DMARD. For me, it was with Plaquenil and it wasn't really the solution I was looking for. Let us know if there's anything we can do to help. Keep on keepin' on, DPM

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