Things to Do

Ok - RA or PA (psoriatic). Been a year trying to find a drug that worked. Bad year.

My RA symptoms

Recently, my immune system has been after my wrists, back, and lymph nodes on right side of neck. Inside of cheek is all chewed up because of the swelling.

Went to hospital again thinking I had a heart attack but costochondritis again.

Looks like TALTZ may be working.

What RA treatments work?

I would like to have one long train of input on stuff y’all have tried and results. All in one place to learn.

What have you tried? What worked, what didn’t?
1. Tramadol, OXY, Hydro, Codeine, other
2. Aspirin
3. Acetaminophen
4. Other?
5. Sleeping/resting
6. Light exercise
7. Real exercise
8. Heat
9. Cold (ice pack)
10. Support like wrist or ankle wraps
11. Taking pain meds early, regularly, “as needed”
12. Pets
13. Talking (whining?) to fam/friends/professionals
12. Reading, writing, movies, loud music, or other distractions
13. “Fierce mode” as described by Kelly
14. Organizing rest or activities during the work day (breaks)
15. Avoiding some or emphasizing foods
16. Living according to a schedule
17. Antidepressants
18. Church/Synagogue/Mosque/Temple participation, prayer

Anything else?

Please work the list. Add things that have worked. But identify what has and has not worked.
Most of the list I have tried. All have helped except:
1. Cold - a bit but too short lived
2. Activity/Real Exercise (read recommendations to exercise, tried it and paid dearly)
3. Taking pain meds as needed - once a flare starts, meds don’t work so well. So taking regularly is best.
4. Living a schedule- more my personality than a disease focused result

I love “Fierce Mode.” Have done when I have no choice but will start choosing it.

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