Vitamin deficiency Has anyone had any problems with vitamin deficiency and low full blood count....Reactions0reactionsComments7 replies
RA and Having a spinal fusion Has anyone had a spinal fusion surgery for repair of 2herniated discs that pinched nerves, and attempt to treat spinal stenosis of the spine. The discs collapsed on top of...Reactions0reactionsComments62 repliesSurgery
MedsAre all RA medications immunosuppressants? I was thinking of asking to change from Methotrexate to something else, but if they all suppress the immune system, there maybe no point...Reactions0reactionsComments4 replies
Wierded Out By a NurseI had my first appointment with a GI specialist a few weeks ago. There was a male nurse who took my history- one of those guys that looks like he...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesHealthcare Team
How long after stopping prednisone will moon face go away?Hello everyone! I was diagnosed with RA in January after a severe flare-up affecting all of the joints in my hands, shoulders, and big toes. I just finished a 40-day...Reactions0reactionsComments47 repliesSide Effects
How do we know if the pain is due to RA or OsteoarthritisI have been diagnosed with RA for 9 years and I have been told I also have Osteoarthritis in my knees and wrists. I moved from New York to California...Reactions0reactionsComments54 repliesProgressionHealthcare TeamSymptoms
Rheumatoid Arthritis and IntimacyHi Everyone! I've recently been thinking about how RA has impacted intimacy with my partner, and I was wondering if is something any of you have experienced as well? I...Reactions0reactionsComments14 repliesIntimacy & Relationships
Workplace StressMy job is very stressful and has caused arthritis flares very frequently. My job is sedentary and I sit at a computer all day typing on a keyboard inputting data...Reactions0reactionsComments19 replies
Husband newly diagnosed and questions about medications?Hello, My husband has just been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis (Seropositive) and it due to start treatment soon. He is in his late 40's now but has likely had RA...Reactions0reactionsComments12 replies
Intestinal cystitis Anyone been diagnosed with intestinal cystitis. My doctor says he thinks I have it apparently its quite common with rheumatoid arthritis....Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies