Unbearable foot painApparently X-rays show severe damage to my toes, probably osteoarthritis. Have had cortisone in my toe joints once and it was amazing. My rheumatologist doesn’t like giving those injections because...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesProgressionTreatment
RA LifeI have had RA since I was in my 30's. I used to be on Methotrexate. I am off it now. I do some exercising....Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesProgression
Life expectancy with RAIs it really true that life expectancy is 10 years less for people with Rheumatoid Arthritis?! Do the new medications help extend lifespan for us? Thanks...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesProgression
Hip painI was diagnosed 23 years ago with mod/severe RA. I have journeyed through biologics jak inh..etc with limited short term success. My pain and disability has mainly been hands, wrists...Reactions0reactionsComments13 repliesProgression
Acute Rheumatic Fever with poly arthritis I’ve(27F) been struggling to get better from rheumatic fever, need some cheering and advice. I had a sore throat in early Jan, doc tested and my ASO titer was in...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesTreatmentProgressionTips & Advice
Aggressive treatment for mild disease?I know that aggressive treatment is highly recommended for newly diagnosed patients to ward off any permanent damage. However, I was diagnosed with JRA in the 90's, took aggressive treatment...Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesBiologic MedicationProgressionSeronegative RA
Advice for elbow replacement Hello, I have RA for over 20 years. It has left me with deformation on my foot hands and now elbows. I was told I need elbow replacement but I’m...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesProgressionSurgeryTreatment
Quality of LifeI was diagnosed after my inflammatory markers were off the chart. It took 6 months to see a specialist and have the doplar. I have had back and hip pain...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesProgression
just diagnosed with seropositive RA, 61 years oldHello, I'm overwhelmed with my diagnosis, and reading horrible things about seropositive RA being severe and progressive, and short life expectancy after diagnosis. I'm freaking out.. can anyone with seropositive...Reactions0reactionsComments12 repliesNewly DiagnosedProgressionTips & Advice
Headache problem in RAI am suffering from headache since long time...but previously the duration of pain is near about 1 to 2 mins but gradually it increases from 1 min to 1 to...Reactions0reactionsComments7 repliesHealthcare TeamDiagnosisProgression