Adrienne aching legsI have aching in my legs everyday 😭 plus inflammation. I take of course meds but this doesn't help....Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesSymptomsAwarenessCopingDiagnosisFlares & Flare ManagementSide EffectsTips & AdviceVenting
Fever Hey everyone, I have a question for you guys. Has anyone ever experienced high fevers associated with an RA flare, but only at night? The pain wakes me up at...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesSymptomsSleepTips & Advice
Flare upI have a RES count of 114...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesTips & AdviceAssistive Devices
Does anyone else have neuropathy?Does anyone else have neuropathy? I do and it is unbearable! I just had a complete workup in neurology and they said it was due to my arthritis. I am...Reactions0reactionsComments17 repliesSymptomsTips & Advice
What questions do you have for our RA Health Leaders? World Arthritis Day is October 12, and our Rheumatoid Arthritis Community has a special event in store to help raise awareness and celebrate this incredibly important day. Below, share questions...Reactions0reactionsComments46 repliesTips & AdviceAwareness
Ask Your JRA Questions HereI was diagnosed at age 5 in 1962. Have had good years and less bad. Early years they didn't know much. And put me in and out of casts. One...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesAwarenessVentingCopingFriends & FamilyNewly DiagnosedProgressionSymptomsTips & Advice
Living alone with RA and chronic pain.Had rotator cuff surgery in July and life has been over the top with pain. My life. Hoping for some connection and encouragement....Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesSymptomsAwarenessCopingFlares & Flare ManagementProgressionSurgeryTips & AdviceVenting
RA Doctor in Northern New JerseyHi team, I'm looking for a recommendation for a rheumatologist in Morris, Essex, or Union County, New Jersey. I had one in West Orange I wasn't crazy about....Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesCaregivingHealthcare TeamTips & Advice
What can I do to prevent more damage to my fingersMy little fingers & thumbs have become crooked & quite painful...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesCopingTips & Advice
Has anyone else suffered from erosive arthritis?I have had erosive arthritis, plus RA, and osteoarthritis in my left foot for years. The last five years or so my foot has been continually swollen and walking more...Reactions0reactionsComments10 repliesTips & AdviceSymptomsTreatment