Humira and Traveling Back HomeA life on the go might seem like it doesn't work with having rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and taking Humira. However, though it might seem odd, that's not the case —...Reactions0reactionsComments8 comments
My Journey with RA, Hip Pain, Steroid Use, and Avascular NecrosisIn January 2023, I went through extensive testing for ongoing left hip pain. I had been in pain with my left hip since July of 2022. Honestly, I thought it...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Trapped Inside A Cage Of RA - LiterallyMany times, if you ask someone with rheumatoid arthritis, or really any chronic illness, what it feels like to live with this wretched disease, they will tell you some version...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Transitioning from Childhood to Adulthood With JIAWhen I moved out of my childhood home to go to college, I was thinking about the adventures of my new life. I was excited and terrified. It was a...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
Arthritic Pain and Birks!If you have RA, you likely have experienced some pain in your feet. For me, RA foot pain was actually one of the first places that I did indeed feel...Reactions0reactionsComments10 comments
Dating With RA Again After a Decade on the BenchYou know, we talk a lot about relationships and chronic illness, and how easily RA can make them more complicated and even ruin them. It happens — there’s no point...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
RA Travel Prep Is No JokeAfter 45 years of marriage, working for almost as long, and raising 3 sons, my husband and I are now retired and finally able to do the traveling we have...Reactions0reactionsComments22 comments
Why I Changed My RA BiologicI did something a little crazy, but it made sense to me: I changed my biologic. My previous one was working great. I had no adverse reactions, and I liked...Reactions0reactionsComments27 comments
Fatigue Relapse: Or, How to Handle the Emotional and Physical Pain of RA FatigueI’ve been way too fatigued lately. Too tired. It feels that I have to exert so much more effort to accomplish the things that people my age can do with...Reactions0reactionsComments12 comments
My New RA Career Path: Meeting My Job DeveloperI previously wrote about my insecurities, anxiety, and fears of diving back into job searching. My journey into a new career path continues after I shared my feelings. The next...Reactions0reactionsComments13 comments
Anemic and Confused: Part 3Let me tell you — I’ve had a time-and-a-half with this uterus. As I detailed in my previous article, in a last-ditch effort, we tried an IUD to control my...Reactions0reactionsComments16 comments
RA and the State of Pain MedsI have been lucky thus far. The pain pill issues and the war this country is waging on pain patients has only touched me somewhat — with pill shortages here...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
The Power of Connection: Health Leader PerspectivesLiving with a chronic illness can be a challenging and isolating journey. The physical and emotional toll that rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can have on people living with it can often...Reactions0reactionsComments7 comments
4 Ways to Manage the Unpredictability of RAWhen I was first diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), I was so grateful to have an actual diagnosis and answer to my most painful symptoms that I didn’t stop to...Reactions0reactionsComments14 comments
Entering Fierce ModeMy world shrinks smaller when I go into “fierce mode.” I pull back from outreach and engagement. I determine what are the necessary things for me to do, and concentrate...Reactions0reactionsComments8 comments
Did My Lung Disease Cause My RA?For quite awhile, I felt that my chronic pain was just another symptom of the bigger disease in my life, cystic fibrosis (CF). I was born with CF, although I...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
All the SicknessHave you ever had a real doozy of a month? I have. I fell seriously ill and to be very honest, it was the worst. If you have an autoimmune...Reactions0reactionsComments10 comments
Should I Have Joint Replacement? My RA ChecklistHave you considered joint replacement? Did you factor in your age when making the decision? Did your doctor give you a speech about joint failure and longevity? A friend of...Reactions0reactionsComments38 comments
Feeling Alone With My RAOver the decades that I’ve lived with rheumatoid arthritis, I’ve learned to straddle 2 realities. One reality is my daily life, where I structure my days so I can best...Reactions0reactionsComments15 comments
Time for a New Rheumatologist?In August 2019, before Covid-19 exploded and the world was overtaken by a deadly pandemic, I lost my rheumatologist. It was a devastating blow when he first told me the...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments