Moving climates to Help RA I was just diagnosed with Seronegative RA and my husband and I have been researching ways to help me feel better naturally. He bought uo maybe moving to a higher...Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesFlares & Flare ManagementNewly DiagnosedSeronegative RA
Are there foods to avoid to help with flares?Just looking for some help in reducing the flares or the severity of them. I suffer excruciating pain when it affects my wrist and ankles. I take hydroxychloroquine....Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesTips & AdviceVentingTreatmentDiagnosisSymptomsFlares & Flare Management
Burning SensationI was diagnosed about 8 years ago. Lately Infwel like my flare ups are occurring more frequently, lasting longer and are more intense. My entire body feels like it’s burning...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesSymptomsFlares & Flare Management
Adrienne aching legsI have aching in my legs everyday 😭 plus inflammation. I take of course meds but this doesn't help....Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesSymptomsAwarenessCopingDiagnosisFlares & Flare ManagementSide EffectsTips & AdviceVenting
Your poll on flares!Your poll on flares was a bit limited. First a ranking poll might have been more helpful, letting people rank 1-5, etc. second, I answered “something else” but wasn’t given...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesFlares & Flare Management
Living alone with RA and chronic pain.Had rotator cuff surgery in July and life has been over the top with pain. My life. Hoping for some connection and encouragement....Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesSymptomsAwarenessCopingFlares & Flare ManagementProgressionSurgeryTips & AdviceVenting
How do I beat this severe fatigue? Anyone have any advice on how to muster up energy - mentally, emotionally and physically during a severe bout of fatigue? I recently had my first infusion of a new...Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesCopingExerciseFlares & Flare Management
Have You Experienced This Sort of Pain?Working at night, I was trying to sleep today and both knees were swollen and very painful. Pain turning in bed Pain in all positions Pain propped with pillows Etc...Reactions0reactionsComments12 repliesFlares & Flare ManagementSymptoms
RA FlaresSince the beginning of the year I’ve been having flares. Sometimes I can barely walk. I’m on Xeljanz for many years,and now 1mg of Prednisone. It has been a bit...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesFlares & Flare Management
How do I travelHow do i prepare for a trip without the worry of a flare....Reactions0reactionsComments9 repliesCopingFlares & Flare ManagementTravel